They Will Commit Elections Fraud Given Half a Chance

The chief elections officer Gaspard Jn Baptiste and his team and the chairman of the elections commission have a heavy burden to carry.

Election Fraud Meme

Was it the apostle Peter who said, “be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour”?

He didn’t lie!

The agents of this government have stolen everything but our blood while they use institutions of religion to keep us stupid. But as a great thinker once said, “you can fool some people sometimes, but you can’t fool all the people all the time”.

The drinking and feting that feature in the opposition campaign should be sobered down. The agents for change need to be vigilant. As the good book says, “watch and be sober”.

This government is known for thiefing. Thiefing. Thiefing. And more Thiefing. 

They will steal the  elections given half a chance. Given half a chance they will devour the opposition vote as if it was never cast.

The chief elections officer Gaspard Jn Baptiste and his team and the chairman of the elections commission have a heavy burden to carry. Their country is depending on them to defend and protect the last vanguard of our democracy on 26th July 2021.

We wish them luck.