Can You Imagine
 Can you imagine dat da Ministry of healf still saying dat da vaccine eh kill nobody in Saint Lucia!  We eh accusing nobody of lying but we just saying, “open your eyes people”. We eh against dee vaccine, but for goodness sake, fix it!  It eh good so far!

Can you imagine dat dey still have people saying dere is no such fing as covid-19!  Up to now!  People getting sick, oxygen tank, ventilator an all; dey even dying.  Yet dey still have people dat playing dey bline.  If you want a conspiracy you go make one wee!

Can you imagine dat Cockalorum give government a failing grade for da first hundred days!  Well we eh want to know what he give himself.  We eh saying we give government ‘A’.  Is up to da people to give government what dey want.  But who is Cocokalorum to talk.  Dat’s why da Ca Pa Flambeaus have to replace dere team.  Nobody doh want to hear what dem people have to say!

Can you imagine dat Chastanet touch down to go an make a big hay lay lay of nuffing in dee parliament an den to run off again!  An da Ca pa Flambeau people come in a bus to protec him from dee shame.  Now all da time he not coming to parliament he mus get paid! Nah!  Furddermore, is not only parliament he mus come.  Mate have to go down Micoud an talk patios wif dee people!  Yeah man!  So dee Speaker right!  Dat eh no papyshow game dat going on dere.  If you jet  setting, jet set on your own time.  No salary for you!  Not dat it matters, since he well know he have millions!
Can you imagine dat people saying if Chas come to parliament, give him half pay an if he go to Micoud, give him dee odder half!  Well we doubt mate go get pay!  Knowing him, he jet setting all over da place, looking for grand opportunities to float our island in da sky.  Not above da cloud ah.  Just below dem!  Know mate, is dat he doing.
Can you imagine dat  when da Tigray rebels first started dere assault in Ethiopia in November of 2020, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed dismissed it as an insignificant gang dat will be easily subdued.  Now he talking about the survival of da state.   He gone to da front line to fight; das if he know how to fight! Da Tigray moving deeper an deeper into heartland territory; dee army sometimes even on retreat.  Abiy Ahmed really miscalculated!  Mate eh go las!
Can you imagine dat dey have medical staff outside hospitals in Martinique an Guadeloupe, in roro wif government because dey refuse to take da vaccine!  Dey not taking da vaccine even if dere jobs at stake.  Dey an government at an impasse!  It really eh looking good an dee skeptics looking in from outside not likely to take what medical staff refusing to take!
Can you imagine dat government get hundreds of millions of dollars in loan funding to help wif covid-19 an when fings was really bad all dey could give poor people was ration bags!  So where da hundreds of millions of dollars spen!  Yeah man!  Set up a special prosecutor!  Dey have to answer an is about time dey convict people so dat when is time to call people certain names, we can jus call dem how we want.  No suing!
Can you imagine dat Putin all da way in Moscow living his life an he have Europe in a hot frenzy wifout even discharging a gun!  France an England vex!  Poland in a state! An Putin well relax.  He dere moving chips on dee table trying to figure out how to destabilize dee West.  Dee West, nervous; dey anxious; dey doh know what to do. Desperate refugees coming from everywhere.  Heads rolling an dey hot!

Can you imagine some people still saying dat dere is no such fing as climate change!  Well ask da ole fisherman in Dennery, becasue  he know!